Navigating Postpartum & Charting Your Cycle family planning fertility ovulation postpartum

Induction into the new mama club is one humbling surprise after another. After I had my first baby, I still looked pregnant. Thanks for the heads up, Mom. No one told me I'd need to wear a supersized maxi pad for the next three weeks for something called the lochia--google it. I also had no idea that breastfeeding is a lot more complicated than it sounds. 

Granted, this was a looong time ago, my firstborn is now a teenager. There has been a vast increase in the accessibility to...

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Stress and Fertility infertility ovulation stress

As an infertility veteran myself, I know that being told to “Just relax” or “Let it happen” is not helpful. Period. But as a PhD scientist, I also know there is science that shows that stress can actually impact fertility. Keep reading to learn more about the link between stress, hormones, and fertility! 

The Science Behind Stress and Fertility

While there is still research to be done on all the ways stress can impact fertility, studies show that our bodies can...

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Stress and Your Well-Charted Cycle ovulation stress

Did you know that stress can affect your fertility?

We know there are two basic phases to the monthly cycle every woman experiences. During the follicular phase, the ovary brings an egg (or two) towards maturation in ovulation.  In the luteal phase,  the body either prepares for a long haul of 9 months supporting a newly-conceived baby OR the shedding of the lining of the uterus in the process called menstruation, when the cycle then repeats itself. The length of the cycle hinges on...

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